Showing 1 - 25 of 169 Results
The Old Testament in Greek: According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented from Othe... by Brooke, Alan England, McLea... ISBN: 9781108007061 List Price: $19.99
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel by Origen, Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781115653947 List Price: $32.75
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion) (Volu... by Origen, Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781108029568 List Price: $29.99
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion) (Volu... by Origen, Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781108029551 List Price: $29.99
Commentary of Origen on S John's Gospel : The text revised with a critical introduction and ... by Origen, Origen, Brooke, Ala... ISBN: 9781175651907 List Price: $32.75
Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus by Brooke, Alan England, McLea... ISBN: 9781179785561 List Price: $23.75
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel: The Text Revised with a Critical Introduction ... by Origen Origen, Alan England... ISBN: 9780343165338 List Price: $17.95
Scripted Drama by England, Alan ISBN: 9780521232357 List Price: $54.95
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781152683136 List Price: $39.06
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781152683457 List Price: $47.61
The Old Testament in Greek, According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus: Supplemented from Othe... by Brooke, Alan England, McLea... ISBN: 9781141444007 List Price: $25.75
The Book of Judges in Greek: According to the Text of Codex Alexandrinus by McLean, Norman, Brooke, Ala... ISBN: 9781115177863 List Price: $17.75
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel by Origen, Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781115653930 List Price: $33.99
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781152557888 List Price: $46.68
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781152557826 List Price: $41.39
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781152570832 List Price: $33.96
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Text of Codex Vaticanus, Supplemented From Other... by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781153413824 List Price: $26.34
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Johannine Epistles by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781443256827 List Price: $15.37
The Commentary of Origen on S. John's Gospel by Origen, Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9781115653954 List Price: $31.75
The book of Judges in Greek, according to the text of Codex Alexandrinus by Brooke, Alan England ISBN: 9780217292382 List Price: $16.00
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